Join the HomeAware Beta Program.

Thank you for your interest in joining our efforts to improve the HomeAware product. The feedback that comes from our beta testers is integral to our product development process.

phone app in hand

What you can expect from the program

Early Access to HomeAware

HomeAware consists of two parts: a sensor and a mobile application. As a participant, you are getting early access to the beta version of HomeAware ahead of the general public. We are consistently pushing out newer versions with updated and new features.

Access to our Beta Support Portal

You will also have access to our HomeAware Support Portal to provide feedback, report bugs, suggestions, or request support. This is a vital part of your participation in the Beta Program. We are relying on you to give us honest feedback so we can be the best possible.

What we need from you

Your Active Participation

As part of being a member of the HomeAware Beta Community, we encourage you to use the product to the greatest extent possible. Play around with the product; add profiles of people who enter your home, set schedules for babysitters, name your devices, etc.

Your Suggestions & Feedback

As you use the product in your home, we ask that you provide feedback through the support portal, occasional surveys, focus groups or interviews that will be scheduled at your convenience. Each of these efforts is designed to better understand your experience with HomeAware and improve the value we provide to you. No comment, idea, or suggestion is too small as we work towards the shared goal of bringing peace of mind and safety to every home.

homeaware family profile device link

Apply for Beta Participation

We're currently in closed beta testing.

Participation is currently by invitation only. While we would love to include everyone who is interested, please note that completing this application does not guarantee that you will be selected.

Complete the Beta Application
